Low Back Pain/ Sciatica
Low back pain or LBP is referring to any pain, discomfort or tightness in the lumbar and sacral region of the back, sometimes with pain going down one or both legs, this is due to Sciatica. It is very common in the population and over 70% of people will experience low back pain. It becomes a burden for many if they cannot go to work and are forced to stay home due to pain, with low back pain being one of the most common forms of disability in the United States. Many times, people suffering with back pain will take medication which may be harmful and addictive with long-term use. A great alternative to going the normal medication route to deal with back pain is Acupuncture.
A published 2015 study looked at Acupuncture’s ability to treat back pain and sciatica. The results of the study showed that for acute and chronic low back pain, acupuncture consistently delivered results for pain relief and increased function, like being able to do day to day tasks without pain. (1) The way acupuncture can work for lower back pain is through several known reasons. Firstly, with acupuncture it is possible to deactivate “trigger points”, or tight knots, found often where the pain is felt. Also, acupuncture is able to stimulate specific areas, which cause the body to release chemicals known as “endorphins”, these endorphins, are able to bring pain down naturally, and without any harsh side effects, with most patients going into deep relaxation or even falling asleep during treatment.
When adding other methods such as Tuina medical massage and Cupping Therapy, the results are even better. Not only will pain relief usually be felt on the first visit but you will also feel more relaxed both physically and mentally. Interested in learning more about how Acupuncture and other methods can help with your lower back or any type of pain. Feel free to reach out for a free phone or email consult. Look forward to hearing from you.
Email: Dr.Dias@IronboundAcu.com Phone: 973-368-4327
(1) Liu L, Skinner M, McDonough S, Mabire L, Baxter GD. Acupuncture for low back pain: an overview of systematic reviews. Evid Based Complement Alternat Medicine