
Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues in the world and has especially peaked during the last several years. Anxiety can come in different forms from a mild case, to a full-blown case of anxiety where even simple tasks seem to overwhelming to do due to anxious thoughts. Anxiety can also lead to other more serious and complicated issues as well, including digestive issues, insomnia, headaches and even physical pain. Anxiety and stress often go hand in hand, with stress considered more “normal” or expected type of anxiety, such as the stress from everyday life, going to work and taking care of the household. While anxiety can be a bit more serious and may cause a drastic change in someone’s life both physically. mentally and socially. Anxiety can be broken up into several categories such as phobias, general anxiety disorder or social anxiety. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for centuries, for relief of anxiety and stress and has valid modern research behind it as a valuable medicine to help naturally alleviate anxiety without the use of sometimes harsh pharmaceuticals.

  In a review of clinical research, researchers concluded that acupuncture shows significant scientific benefit for treatment of anxiety disorders. The research summarized that because of Acupuncture’s effectiveness and its low level of side effects, Acupuncture for anxiety should be considered a valuable treatment. (1). Acupuncture is believed to work against anxiety by several ways. One main way Acupuncture alleviates anxiety is by increasing the amount of helpful neurochemicals in the brain. These include Serotonin, Dopamine and Endorphin. These neurochemicals are often out of balance with those with anxiety. Acupuncture can bring about a change in these chemicals through stimulation of specific acupuncture points. Another way acupuncture works to alleviate anxiety is to decrease the muscular tension around “anxious muscles”. Usually with stress and anxiety, the neck and lower back muscles are often affected. With acupuncture being able to easily relax these areas of the body, change in stress and anxiety levels is often seen after each treatment, with relief almost immediately.

  If you are interested in learning more about what Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has to offer you to help alleviate stress, tension and bring some relaxation to the anxious mind, whether its day to day stress, or strong anxious feelings that are more concerning, which many times will also bring about other issues in the body.  Call or Email for free consultation.

 Email: Call: 973-368-4327

1)Amorim D, Amado J, Brito I, Fiuza SM, Amorim N, Costeira C, Machado J. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the clinical research. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018