Acupuncture-At the Intersection of Modern Science and Ancient Healing

The medicine of Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, with its beginnings in China over 2000 years ago, it is a medicine with ancient roots, and due to its considerable proof and efficacy, has remained a wonderful medicine and treatment throughout all these years. Theories to how acupuncture works have been around since the medicine itself has been around. In ancient times it was believed that Acupuncture is able to “move the Qi” in order to move stagnation or any obstruction to free the flow of energy through the body. There are hundreds of acupuncture points located on the human body, with each point having the ability to perform certain functions. Modern science was at first reluctant to accept acupuncture for many reasons, however more and more physicians are recommending acupuncture for their patients as it is safe, time proven and effective medicine.

Acupuncture is able to regulate the body and bring it into “balance”, or in modern terms homeostasis. It does this by using the natural healing potential by tapping into the body to help heal itself without the use of any harsh medications or chemical treatments. Due to modern research we know that acupuncture works based on 1000s of controlled studies. There are several way Acupuncture is known to work. During Acupuncture treatment, there is the release of biochemicals in the brain which signal the body to relieve pain and go into parasympathetic or “rest and digest” mode, acupuncture also relieves and regulates stress which in turn helps many day to day activities including sleep, digestive functions, even lowering abnormal hear rate and blood pressure. Acupuncture can stimulate nerves bypassing the skin and muscles sending signals to the body to lower inflammation and pain. Acupuncture truly shows us how everything is connected in the body, its a medicine that was started thousands of years ago, and still stands up to the rigors of scientific testing because, IT WORKS!

At Ironbound Acupuncture, we take a full look at everything that is going on in making an assessment and treat the body as a whole, rather than symptom. Each treatment is unique and individualized for YOU! Want to know more click the link on the bottom, we accept all insurance and have affordable cash rates.