Acupuncture and Treatment of Headache and Migraines

Many people seek acupuncture for the treatment of their headaches and/or migraines, it is one of the most seen conditions in the acupuncture clinic. They are a major problem in today’s world with 25% of people experiencing a severe headache or migraine in the last 3 months. (CDC 2018) Headaches and migraines are so common due to many reasons. These reasons include stress, genetics, hormonal cycles, nutrient imbalances and even things like neck and scalp tension can be a big contributor to headache pain. Often times most people take an OTC medication like Advil or Tylenol, however constant use of this does not solve the problem, rather it just deals with some of the pain, and works as a band aid in a sense because the root of the problem is not found and treated, so the headaches come back again and again, usually requiring more and more medication to calm down the pain, leading to a vicious cycle and unwanted side effects in many instances.

Acupuncture works naturally to help both relieve headaches and migraines, and also to treat the root cause of what is bringing about these issues. So, we can say that it is also a prevention against headaches and migraines as well. In a 2020 study by Li, the researchers showed that with thousands of patients, acupuncture was not only shown to help migraines and headaches, but also that it is very safe, with no strong side effects reported. Because acupuncture works by tapping into your own bodies energy systems and brain-pathways, it is an all natural holistic medicine which works to get to the root of the headaches, resolve them, and let you get on with your life, without having to always worry about constantly taking pills to resolve your migraines or headaches. The “side-effects”, usually seen with acupuncture treatment, is a healthier blood pressure, a more relaxed mood, and better sleep. Combined with acupunctures ability to relax tight muscles and release tension, it is an ideal treatment for any type of head pain especially migraines and headaches.

If you are interested in learning more just reach out for a free phone or email consult, we look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 973-368-4327
